
Bureau is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, this policy highlights how and when we will use your information and how we then protect it. Any information you provide us will only be used in conjunction with this privacy policy. From time to time this policy may be amended, so please check our website to ensure you are still happy with how your data is being used. Information we collect.

The following may be collected:

• Name/Email/Landline or mobile telephone number.

• Geographic and demographic information and preferences.

• Information regarding interest in a specific property or area of work.

• Details of visits to our website and online forms completed thereon.

• Data in relation to specific properties, eg lease information, rent, occupation etc.

What we do with it:

We use this information to provide you with a service tailored towards your specific needs:

•   Sending promotional emails regarding new properties on the market or information that may be useful to you.

•   Market research.

•  Our own record keeping.

•  Performing our role as chartered surveyors and fulfilling our professional obligations.

•   Information may be retained on internal databases to fulfil our role as property advisors.

•   Publishing of specific information requires client approval in some instances

•   Some business information is shared with third party contractors.

•   Some information for, say, valuations will be retained for 12-15 years

•   Data in relation to specific properties.

•   Customising and enhancing your experience with our services according to your likely interests based on your previous activities.




Sierra Quebec Bravo, 77 Marsh Wall

London, E14 9SH
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63 Queen Victoria Street

London, EC4N 4UA
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